You will need to download the programs provided with the OSTEP textbook. This can be done by cloning the git repo that contains them with

git clone

For this assignment, you will be using the following to answer questions.

  • cpu-sched-mlfq/

  • cpu-sched-lottery/

Play around with these scripts to familiarize yourself before answering the below questions.


  1. How would you run this script such that 3 jobs, that arrive at the same time, would run in a round robin fashion?

  2. Craft a workload with two jobs and scheduler parameters such that one job games the older rules 4a and 4b (turned on with the -S flag) to get 99% of the CPU over a particular time interval.

  3. Given a system, still using the -S flag, with a time-slice (quantum) length of 20 cycles in its highest queue, how often would we need to boost jobs to the highest priority (-B flag) to guarantee that any single non-interactive job gets at least 5% of the CPU?

  4. One question that arises in scheduling is which end of a queue to add a job that just finished I/O; the -I flag changes this behavior. Play around with some workloads and identify the issue that can occur using this flag.

  5. Run two jobs each of length 10 but one has 1 ticket and the other has 100 tickets (-l 10:1,10:100). What happens when the number of tickets is so imbalanced? Will the job with a single ticket ever run before the other? If so, how often? Generalize what such a ticket imbalance does to the behavior of the lottery scheduler.

  6. When running with two jobs of length 100 and 100 tickets each (-l 100:100,100:100), how unfair is the scheduler? Run with 5 different seeds and determine the fairness.

  7. How does the fairness change as we change the time slice size (-q)?

  8. If we had a stride scheduler instead, how would that affect the runs in question 6?