In this question, you are going to do a Breadth-First-Search starting at node 0. I want you to do this like I did in class, maintaining a queue, a distance vector and a back-link vector. Here are the things that I want you to enter:
Question 1: In what order are the nodes visited? Enter this as a single 10-digit string with no spaces.
Node Action Distance Back-Links Queue 0123456789 0123456789 (push_back, pop_front()) Start 0--------- ---------- 0 0 Push 1 & 4 01--1----- -0--0----- 1, 4 1 Push 2 012-1----- -01-0----- 4, 2 4 Push 5 012-12---- -01-04---- 2, 5 2 Push 3, 6 0123123--- -012042--- 5, 3, 6 5 Push 7 01231233-- -0120425-- 3, 6, 7 3 Nothing 01231233-- -0120425-- 6, 7 6 Nothing 01231233-- -0120425-- 7 7 Push 9 01231233-4 -0120425-7 9 9 Push 8 0123123354 -012042597 8 8 Nothing 0123123354 -012042597The answer is 0142536798
Question 2: What is the distance vector? Enter this as a single 10-digit string, where the character in digit i is the distance of node i from node 0.
Node Action Distance Back-Links Queue 0123456789 0123456789 (push_back, pop_front()) Start 0--------- ---------- 0 0 Push 1 & 4 01--1----- -0--0----- 1, 4 1 Push 2 012-1----- -01-0----- 4, 2 4 Push 5 012-12---- -01-04---- 2, 5 2 Push 3, 6 0123123--- -012042--- 5, 3, 6 5 Push 7 01231233-- -0120425-- 3, 6, 7 3 Nothing 01231233-- -0120425-- 6, 7 6 Nothing 01231233-- -0120425-- 7 7 Push 9 01231233-4 -0120425-7 9 9 Push 8 0123123354 -012042597 8 8 Nothing 0123123354 -012042597The answer is 0123123354
Question 3: What is the back-link vector? Enter it as a single 10-digit string, where the character in digit i is the id of the node that put node i onto the queue. Put a dash ‘-‘ for node 0.
Node Action Distance Back-Links Queue 0123456789 0123456789 (push_back, pop_front()) Start 0--------- ---------- 0 0 Push 1 & 4 01--1----- -0--0----- 1, 4 1 Push 2 012-1----- -01-0----- 4, 2 4 Push 5 012-12---- -01-04---- 2, 5 2 Push 3, 6 0123123--- -012042--- 5, 3, 6 5 Push 7 01231233-- -0120425-- 3, 6, 7 3 Nothing 01231233-- -0120425-- 6, 7 6 Nothing 01231233-- -0120425-- 7 7 Push 9 01231233-4 -0120425-7 9 9 Push 8 0123123354 -012042597 8 8 Nothing 0123123354 -012042597The answer is -012042597