
UTK Notes

Clicker Questions - 08-Nice-Table

Here the a summary of a topcoder problem:

  • You are given a vector of strings called t.
  • Each string in t is the same size, and is composed of the characters ‘0’ and ‘1’.
  • t has at most 10 elements, and each string has at most 10 characters.
  • t is considered “Nice” if there exist strings x and y such that:
    • x.size() equals t.size().
    • y.size() equals t[0].size().
    • Both x and y are composed of ‘1’ and ‘0’.
    • If we consider all of the characters in t, x and y to be numbers, then for all i and j, t[i][j] is equal to x[i] XOR y[j].
  • Return “Nice” if t is Nice and “Not nice” otherwise.

#     t         Answer
-   --------    ---------------------------------
0   { "01",     "Nice" -- x = y = "10" works.
      "10" }    So does  x = y = "01"

1   { "01",     "Not Nice"
      "11" }    Trust me, you can't do it.

2   {"0100",     "Nice".
     "1011",     x = "101" and y = "1011" works.
     "0100" }

Question 1: Which type of enumeration can solve this problem?

  • A: Div-Mod Enumeration.
  • B: Power Set Enumeration.
  • C: n-choose-k.
  • D: Permutations.
Answer You will do two enumerations of strings composed of '0' and '1' -- one for x and one for y. These are power set enumerations: B.

Question 2: If t.size() is n, and t[0].size() is m, then what is the running time of the enumeration?

Answer Enumerating x is $O(2^{n})$ , and enumerating y is $O(2^{m})$, so the answer is $O(2^{n+m})$, which can also be written $O(2^{n} \times 2^{m})$.

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