The front-side bus is the communication port between the CPU and memory module.
DRAM storage units lose their value over time, so the memory module must refresh each bank periodically.
A/an sense amplifier is used to amplify the charge from a DRAM capacitor.
Devices, such as a hard drive or USB drive, are known as secondary storage.
Dynamic RAM uses a capacitor to store a bit (0 or 1).
Which of the following DRAM timings marks the number of cycles required to select a memory module bank?
Reading a value from dynamic RAM destroys the stored value, which must be replaced by the memory controller.
Which of the following DRAM timings marks the number of cycles required before the memory controller can switch rows in a memory bank?
The initialism DDR represents the fact that words can be transferred to/from RAM on a rising AND falling clock edge.
Which of the following DRAM timings marks the number of cycles required to select a word row before it is considered “valid”?