All students will have the lowest 5 participation sessions dropped, no questions asked.
If you send a file with your code to another student, both of you will be in violation of the plagairism policy regardless of who actually wrote the code.
Where should you ask questions related to classwork or labs?
The discussion system (Discord)
A letter grade adjustment will be made to a student who scores lower than 70% on an grading catergory, such as exams or participation.
Which of the following are techniques to help students avoid cheating?
- always citing anyone that helped you write your code
- working together provided the students cannot see each other’s code
- discussing concepts and not specific ines of code
- not using a third-party website for help, such as StackOverflow
Students who miss a class or exam due to circumstance beyond their control should contact which of the following to receive an official excused absence?
Dean of Students
If a student wishes to appeal a grade for any assignment, participation grade, or exam, that student must submit an appeal within 7 days.
Items or topics not covered in the syllabus are per UT’s policy or instructor’s discretion.
Some assignments may be turned in late for 15% per day penalty.
What programming language will be used in this course?